Autohotkey sharpkeys
Autohotkey sharpkeys

I originally tried using the Linux showkey command, but I was trying it indirectly through an NX session from a Windows machine, which didn't work (sudo showkeys on Ubuntu for those getting errors on that distro trying to use it, btw). After reading about the conundrums involved in doing so that were mentioned here and in other threads, I realized that using Fn-F3 was the only way to go.įrom there, the next problem was figuring out how to confirm what scancodes get passed back in that new mode, now that those two keys return actual scancodes instead of Ctrl key combinations. So my next candidates for key remapping to help preserve some symmetry were the shuffle and desktop keys (the buttons just left and right of the spacebar). I'd originally planned on remapping the left shift key to a Ctrl key before it arrived, but after using it for a little while, I've realized that isn't going to fly based on keyboard size and key arrangement. I just got a Typematrix delivered to me today, and one of the first orders of business was to fix my Ctrl key issue.

autohotkey sharpkeys

I've always preferred to take the more direct approach and either rely on xmodmap (in the case of Linux) or registry key entries (in the case of Windows).

autohotkey sharpkeys

While I commend your efforts, my primary concern for making use of something like autohotkey is that certain games (especially MMOs) frown on their use (because they can be used to automate some of the gameplay), and sometimes even scan for their presence and ban you from their service.

Autohotkey sharpkeys