Tuto vpn tor
Tuto vpn tor

tuto vpn tor

The default level is Medium.Ĭloudflare assigns the two-letter code T1 for Tor. The choices for security range from Essentially Off to I'm Under Attack. Our basic protection level issues CAPTCHA-based challenges to visitors whose IP address has a high threat score, depending on the level chosen by the Cloudflare customer.

tuto vpn tor

Control Tor access via the Firewall app and enable Onion Routing in the Network app.ĭue to the behavior of some individuals using the Tor network (spammers, distributors of malware, attackers, etc.), the IP addresses of Tor exit nodes may earn a bad reputation, elevating their Cloudflare threat score. Cloudflare does not automatically block visitors who use the Tor network.

Tuto vpn tor